Zing met me! – Learn Dutch by Singing!
Good news, everyone! :person_raising_hand::man_raising_hand:
As an addition to the language café, the Wilminktheater is organizing a few events to learn :flag_nl: Dutch.
It’s done as a way of singing to get to know the language a bit better, and it’s completely free.
The next edition will be on the 12th of March, 13.30, at the “MuziekCentrum”.
:round_pushpin:Location: Noorderhagen 27 7511 EK Enschede
:red_circle: If you’d like to join, you can just pass by there a few minutes before the start and get a seat!
:red_circle: Let us know in the chat if you are going to participate, so we can take into account the amount of people.
:smile::notes: Hope you’ll enjoy :flag_nl: